Learn how to achieve high fashion poses with any client or model with our high fashion posing guide. 11 pages of all our best advice in one guide!
Posing really can be easier
High fashion posing is all about creating interesting lines, visuals, and unique details that pull you into the photograph. It comes from taking a standard pose and elevating it to a new level by tweaking small details here and there. I pride myself in elevating my posing so that each session has a unique artistic flare that sets my style apart. I have learned how to coach models of all body types to get the high fashion look I am now known for. So lets get to teaching YOU how to do it too!!
I’m not holding back and I’m not keeping secrets; this is the real deal, designed to walk you through tried-and-true posing strategies that have worked for me for years.
Confidently embrace guiding your clients and models through posing during shoots
Create a posing map that will help if you get stuck
Learn how to take simple poses and make them high fashion with a few small tweaks
Learn how to direct and communicate to your models and clients
Gain confidence in posing so you are ready to rock your next shoot
Ok, so how can i access these secrets?
Snag your copy of the high fashion posing guide below!